Albany County Board of Supervisors Journals

The Journal Charts for the Children Of Fairview from the County Board Of Supervisors Journals, as these were provided by Section 8, Chapter 354, of the Laws Of 1884.

boardofsupervisorsI should begin by saying that the early journals about the turn of the century are the best detailed in reports.  If your ancestor was in the home/local homes about this time, there is a very good chance you will learn a lot and follow his/her time from entry to discharge.

These charts show records for the Children, who were payed for by the County, there are also mentions of Staff Members as well, in regards to their positions at the home and salaries received. I must emphasize that these reports did not show all the children.  They only show those payed for by the county. One can find a more complete listing of Children in the Census.

There is a lot to be learned from these records, such as:

  • Age admitted
  • Date admitted
  • Residence before admission
  • Who was with the person before admission
  • Status Of Parents, Be it living or deceased
  • How the child was charged to be taken cared of by the Home
  • Occupation of Father
  • Nationality
  • Birthplaces, i.e. NY, Canada, France, etc.
  • How long they had stayed in the County
  • Name of Overseer of Poor he was seen before, The Judge who overseen him,
  • What city where seen in court
  • Sex
  • Color
  • Upon dismissal who took charge of him when dismissed
  • Where this person was from and relation to person

These Journals and entries for the Homes were made on an annual basis, so one can follow the status of a child provided for by the county from admission up until discharge. I am hoping, to soon digitize and place all of these records online for your viewing.

Right Now I provide the 1900-1901, 1902, 1911-1912, and 1920 Board Of Supervisors Journal Charts for access online.


Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1900-1901, Page 1


Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1900-1901, Page 2


Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1900-1901, Page 3

Board 1901 Page 4

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1900-1901, Page 4

Board 1901 TitlePage

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1900-1901, Title Page

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 3

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 3

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 4

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 4

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 5

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 5

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 6

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1902, Page 6

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 3

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 3

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 4

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Page 4


Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1911-1912, Title-Page

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 1

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 2

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 3

Albany County Board of Supervisors Journal for Fairview 1920, Page 3










****These Journals are Available in their Complete Full Form and Series at the:Albany County Hall Of Records to be Researched****