Copyright, Credits, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy

b7-copyright-picCopyright © 2002-2014. A Friend of the Fairview Home for Friendless Children of Watervliet, Watervliet, NY, FairviewHome.Info ; Raymond W. LeMay III’s Personal Research, Vanderheyden Hall, and the Town Of Colonie Historian’s Office. Material that is copyrighted by others appears with permission, or is used under the provisions of fair use. The copyrights of any contributor’s material remain with the contributor. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer-All Material Is Of Public Domain, except that of the noted pictures in this Website Of The FairView Home and of it’s Staff And Children and the original research presented and displayed herein. Some photos where identified are the property of The Town Of Colonie Historian’s Office; it was a donated scrapbook of photos from the Fairview Home; all of to which are not identified.  Those photos were requested and are personally being used under public domain to be used as images solely on this website.

Privacy Policy-This Site Does not Infringe upon the privacy of others nor that of copyrights of other Institutions nor that of living adoptees/orphans. Such as that of Vanderheyden Hall or the Town Of Colonie and or any other living individuals who stayed in the Home and to that of the laws of the State Of New York. This Site is here for the sole purpose to provide a history of the Home and to provide information on the orphans as well as to present the original personal research completed by Raymond W. LeMay III; under the blessing and executive administration permission of Vanderheyden Hall.

Credits-Special Thanks To:

Vanderheyden Hall – Blessing and Permission to establish this site

Town Of Colonie Historian’s Office; Jean Olton, Historian-Assistance into pictures and other information on the Home

Fairview Home Scrapbook Photo Album are Photos Courtesy of the Historical Society of the Town of Colonie

Biography and Picture Of James B. Jermain – From Pages 138/139 of his listed Biography in the New York State Men: Biographic Studies and Character Portraits. Frederick S. Hills, Compiler & Editor; The Argus Company, Albany, N.Y., 1910

Fellow Descendants Of Adoptee Ancestors of The Fairview Home

My Great Grandfather, John James Peppin, who was one of many children who passed through Fairview’s doors

*All Clipart Is Known to Be In Public Domain; if it is known otherwise please contact the webmaster.